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Report of JKA India Gasshuku-2013
4th JKA India- 2013 Winter Camp
9th to 11th January @ GCC Club, Mumbai.
Chief Instructor for the camp: Sensei Koichiro Okuma.
This year too; as resolved earlier; started with karate training with Okuma Sensei, the past 3 years; having focused on correct application of techniques have had its effect on students this year onwards.
Day 1: 9th Jan started with ‘heian katas’ its meaning, application, meaning of various techniques in them (which, by and large is missed by beginners), importance of tanden/chakra in our body, it’s obvious relevance with karate techniques, the need to view, observe and practise katas as a training method for kumite and not just for ‘kata practise’ alone.
A special session in the evening was dedicated to Judges & Referees training, detailed explanation of the finer points of judging & refereeing was imparted to all the existing and aspiring Judges and they were made to execute their skills in some demonstration kumite bouts too.
Day 2: 10th Jan saw us practising Oi Tzuki for a start, just to let everyone understand and feel the importance of it in all the basic wazas Sensei was simultaneously explaining the dynamics of it too, some of the dynamics were unheard of until date. Sensei explained that if one can understand Oi Tzuki and execute it properly and freely, he could have a good idea of what JKA Basics are.
Thus making Oi Tzuki as the base, we had both the sessions dedicated to it, be it practising it alone or in Sanbon or Ippon Kumite. Later in Sanbon Kumite we had variations in different counter attacks using footwork with mae geri and oi tzuki.
Second session was for Kumite. We practised Ippon and Sanbon Kumite in various forms with varied blocks and counters. Counter attack with proper footwork was emphasised, and the most interesting technique of this session was “Kizami Tzuki” at extreme close quarter, doing this the seniors understood its connection with kata Jion.
Later after the session, Okuma Sensei supervised a short seminar of JKA kumite competition rules conducted by myself for all camp participants, providing valuable inputs where necessary.
Qualification tests were from 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm.
The 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm session was again for Kata & Kumite Judging, bouts were judged by existing and aspiring Judges & Referees with valuable suggestions and guidance as and when required by Okuma Sensei.
Day 3: 11th Jan, 1st session was kata Bassai -Dai, solo and team repetitions was what Sensei had in mind.
2nd session was kata Bassai-Sho, breaking it up and explanation of each movement made it easy for the first timers.
Dan test started at 4.30 pm.
I express my sincerest gratitude and respect to JKA Hq for their unprecedented support and understanding. Encouragement from JKA Hq & JKA Asia Oceania lets us run that extra mile which is necessary to excel in terms of technical knowledge, administrational matters or to take bold and innovative steps as this time: JKA India’s GOODWILL KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS (12th & 13th Jan 2013-Mumbai) for all Shotokan practioners conducted with JKA tournament rules.
Lastly, I can’t thank Okuma Sensei enough for whatever he has done for us so far, his teachings are seeping deep inside our being, and with every passing year we are evolving as a strong Karate Organization, a fact registered by our members and all associated with us in any manner.
Milan Trivedi
Chief Instructor: JKA India