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Training Camp, March 29th and 30th 2014


The Venue - Kerala (Kannur)


1st Regional training camp of JKA India (Kerala) for Kannuir & Kasargod district was held on march 29th and 30th at Payyanur, Kannur district,Kerala state.This was the first ever JKA India training camp exclusively for the region in Kerala, India. Total number of camp participants were 80.The camp was inaugurated by the Member of Legislative Assembly for Payyannur Mr. C.KRISNAN. Mr.KARAYIL SUKUMARAN, Director of Nehru Yuva Kendra, felicitated the event. Sensei MILAN TRIVEDI, the Chief Instructor of JKA India was the camp instructor.


DAY 1 : On 29th march after the inaugural function the camp started with introduction of the basic kihons of hip movements, Gedan Barai, Age uke, Soto uke, Uchi uke, Shuto uke+Nukite, Sambon Tzuki, Zenkutsu Dachi.Then the session ended with the basic kata of Taikyoku shodan and Heian shodan. Sensei Milan explained each techniques of these katas.


Afternoon Session: An enlightening session regarding the referring and judging of kumite. It was a good opportunity to enhance our knowledge in tournament management and technical matters of competition karate.


Day 2 : To begin there was an extended session of the katas Heian Nidan, Heian Sandan followed with target practice using the techniques of Kizami tsuki, Jodan Oi tzuki, Chudan Gyaku tzuki and Mae Geri.


Though shotokan karate practitioners the JKA style introduced to us was enlightening and gave us a deep understanding of generating the extra power with the naturality of human body.


On behalf of JKA India (Kerala) kannur/kasargod dists branch, I thank Milan Sensei for his extended support and the inspiration instilled in us regarding the practice of true karate.


Best Regards,
Praveen Kumar
JKA India-club member

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